Queries: Loading Links

Preparing the React components

The first piece of functionality we’ll implement in the app is loading and displaying a list of Link elements. We’ll walk up our way in the React component hierarchy and start with the component that will render a single link.

This is a simple React component that expects a link in its props and renders the link’s description and url. Easy as pie! 🍰

Next, let’s implement the component that renders a list of links.

Here, we’re using local mock data for now to make sure the component setup works. We’ll soon replace this with some actual data loaded from the server - patience, young Padawan!

Run the app to check if everything works so far! The app should now display the two links from the linksToRender array:

Run the app to check that it's working

Writing the GraphQL query

Let’s now load the actual links that are stored in the database. The first thing we need to do for that is define the GraphQL query we want to send to the API.

Here is what it looks like:

  feed {
    links {

We could now simply execute this query in a Playground (against the application schema) and retrieve the results from the GraphQL server. But how can we use it inside our JavaScript code?

Queries with Apollo Client

The most common (and probably the most flexible) way of making queries with Apollo Client is to use the useQuery hook it provides. With the useQuery hook, all we need to do is pass a GraphQL query document in and Apollo will take care of the fetching and will surface the returned data and any errors for us.

Open up LinkList.js and add the query to the top of the file:

import React from 'react';
import Link from './Link';
import { useQuery, gql } from '@apollo/client';

const FEED_QUERY = gql`
    feed {
      links {

Let’s take a moment to walk through what’s happening with this new code.

The FEED_QUERY variable uses gql, a library that uses tagged template literals to parse the GraphQL query document we define. This query document is then passed into the useQuery hook in the LinkList component.

This hook returns three items that are relevant for our purposes at this point:

  1. loading: Is true as long as the request is still ongoing and the response hasn’t been received.
  2. error: In case the request fails, this field will contain information about what exactly went wrong.
  3. data: This is the actual data that was received from the server. It has the links property which represents a list of Link elements.

The injected props actually contain even more functionality. You can read more in the API overview.

When the LinkList component initially renders, there won’t be any information on the data variable. For this reason, we need to check that data is truthy before trying to render any of the links that will come out of it. Once our GraphQL request resolves with some data, the LinkList component will re-render and data will be truthy. Our links are available on data.feed.links which we can map over to render.

That’s it! You should see the exact same screen as before.

Note: If the browser on http://localhost:4000 only says error and is empty otherwise, you probably forgot to have your server running. Note that for the app to work the server needs to run as well - so you have two running processes in your terminal: One for the server and one for the React app. To start the server, navigate into the server directory and run yarn start.

Unlock the next chapter
What's the declarative way for loading data with React & Apollo?
Using a higher-order component called 'graphql'
Using the 'useQuery' hook and passing the GraphQL query document as an argument
Using 'fetch' and putting the query in the body of the request
Using XMLHTTPRequest and putting the query in the body of the request